Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Tweeter Friends Book

Greetings Writer Friends!

Here's the scoop on our joint book to fight cancer.  We will begin compiling in January after the mad rush of Christmas is past.  I don't know about you, but I barely have a chance to enjoy the holidays because I'm too busy rushing to where the enjoyment is suppose to be.

Our book will be composed of at least 10, 1500-2000 word stories, hopefully more!  There is no topic.  The idea is to display our best work in our genre.  Not unlike Five Stop Stories (Thanks for showing me that Dionne), the book will be for the one serving reader.  Readers Digest has operated for years on top by providing variety, so we'll take their lead and do the same.

Two issues pose themselves.  First, who is to compile and edit the stories?  We will.  But before we post, I suggest we have one other writer from the group look at our story.  We won't judge content, but point out typos, etc.

Second, who should set up the account?  I'm the logical one, but I prefer it was someone else.  The reason is simple: I don't want anyone second guessing motives or worrying about improper use of funds.  This is no scam for me.  My great-grandparents had eleven children.  Six of these were girls.  Four of those daughters died of breast cancer later in life.   Many of their daughters and granddaughters have been diagnosed with cancer, including my aunt and sister.  Therefore, I want someone whose motives are unquestionable to post the book on their account.  I'm open for suggestion on this matter.

What should the title be?  Short Stories by Tweeter Friends?  Commuter Reads for Cancer Research?  Comments here would help!

My email is pjcasselman at gmail com.  Feel free to email me anything that can't be put into 160 characters.


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